Lion’s Den/ Way of the barbell
Justin is one of the most popular coaches in Toronto and has quickly grown to establish a reputation for caring coaching and delivering great results for all levels of our membership from beginner to competitive. He's a National Level Olympic Weightlifter, who has studied under some of the best coaches including Alex Varbanov.
He's a leader, and is currently mentoring some of our young coaches and apprentices to follow in his footsteps and the other great coaches at Academy. The Way of the Barbell classes are the Olympic Lifting focused programs to help athletes learn the skills and techniques needed to apply to the barbell. Opened to all levels, these classes are perfect for those looking to better understand the sport and techniques to get more comfortable under the bar.
The Lions Den Weightlifting classes are Justin’s more dedicated Olympic Lifting program designed to apply more volume of training over a 2-hour training session. These classes spread the focus of movements for Oly lifting to better train athletes in understanding technique. These classes are opened to all levels as well!
Way of the Barbell classes are currently on hold until further notice.
Lions Den Weightlifting classes run Monday/Wednesday/Friday 5:30pm-7:30pm